Friends of the Belgrade Library 5K 2013 - 7/27/2013                   
                                     Belgrade, Maine                                     

      Comp#  Name                            Team                             Time 
    1    82  Currier, David             M23  Unattached                      16:17 (course record)      
    2    30  Hikisch, Cormac            M39  Unattached                      17:31       
    3   100  Lewis, Kevin               M43  Unattached                      17:42       
    4    99  Kent, Jon                  M31  Unattached                      18:30       
    5   114  Guarnieri, Frank           M45  Unattached                      20:40       
    6   128  Bonderup, Mark             M54  Unattached                      20:55       
    7    14  Butler, Collin             M16  Unattached                      21:07       
    8   129  Kells, Jesse               M36  Unattached                      21:09       
    9    35  Labbe, Forrest             M19  Unattached                      21:19       
   10    49  Nevins, Rob                M39  Unattached                      21:27       
   11   127  Bessey, Carson             M15  Unattached                      21:34       
   12    81  Given, Laura               W22  Unattached                      21:46 (course record)    
   13    32  Kells, Jai                 W30  Unattached                      22:01       
   14    94  Whipkey, Scott             M50  Unattached                      22:05       
   15    43  Metzger, Leah              W15  Unattached                      22:17       
   16    59  Satchi, Gines              M25  Unattached                      22:17       
   17    13  Butler, Callum             M13  Unattached                      22:27       
   18    93  Martin, Lisa               W47  Unattached                      22:31       
   19   130  Parsons, Tyler             M20  Unattached                      22:58       
   20   111  MacLeay, Dave              M38  Unattached                      23:11       
   21    33  Kennedy, Brigid            W14  Unattached                      23:23       
   22   101  Petryk, Adam               M41  Unattached                      23:48       
   23    95  Roy, Christie              W37  Unattached                      23:57       
   24    20  Dintersmith, Stering       W15  Unattached                      23:57       
   25    70  Thompson, Tim              M40  Unattached                      24:26       
   26   103  Hamilton, Scott            M57  Unattached                      24:30       
   27   126  Brickett, Nina             W34  Unattached                      24:36       
   28    36  Labbe, Jayne               W46  Unattached                      24:38       
   29    63  Smith, Steve               M44  Unattached                      25:13       
   30   102  Renke, Maxwell             M20  Unattached                      25:29       
   31   125  Plante, Diane              W41  Unattached                      26:00       
   32    38  Liss-Roy, Anna             W15  Unattached                      26:09       
   33    89  Svatosoua, Hana            W19  Unattached                      26:11       
   34    67  Spingarn, Abi              W13  Unattached                      26:14       
   35   110  Paterno, Kathie            W38  Unattached                      26:14       
   36    66  Solomon, Jordi             W15  Unattached                      26:32       
   37   123  Kasper, kelley             W22  Unattached                      26:44       
   38   121  Kasper, Shainon            W23  Unattached                      26:50       
   39    92  Boylan, Sean               M17  Unattached                      26:54       
   40    98  Collins, Alex              W10  Unattached                      26:58       
   41    62  Schmidt, Sarah             W22  Unattached                      26:58       
   42    12  Butler, Amey               W43  Unattached                      26:59       
   43   122  Kasper, Deb                W57  Unattached                      27:18       
   44    41  McCarthy, Kevin            M18  Unattached                      27:19       
   45     2  Alanis, Samantha           W16  Unattached                      27:19       
   46   104  Matthews, Elizabeth        W16  Unattached                      27:29       
   47    34  Kester, Kathry             W11  Unattached                      27:33       
   48    46  Moland, Judith             W67  Unattached                      27:48       
   49     4  Ayer, Katharine            W57  Unattached                      27:54       
   50    79  Woodruff, Kate             W15  Unattached                      28:00       
   51   120  Mitchell, Casey             W9  Unattached                      28:06       
   52    42  McCarthy, Ryan             M13  Unattached                      28:15       
   53    39  Lozefski, Sara             W32  Unattached                      28:17       
   54    96  Dugan, Allie               W15  Unattached                      28:18       
   55     9  Bruce, Megan               W20  Unattached                      28:19       
   56    37  LaFreniere, Harvey         M53  Unattached                      28:49       
   57    44  Mills, Grace               W16  Unattached                      28:55       
   58   115  Kidwell, Jack               M7  Unattached                      29:14       
   59   119  Mitchell, Ethan             M8  Unattached                      29:15       
   60    88  Weiss, Keegan               M9  Unattached                      29:15       
   61    85  Weiss, Jay                 M45  Unattached                      29:22       
   62    52  Pease, David               M53  Unattached                      29:42       
   63    19  Dahnert, Jennifer          W52  Unattached                      29:56       
   64   124  Dixon, Jody                W49  Unattached                      29:57       
   65    90  Boylan, Zachary            M19  Unattached                      30:08       
   66    48  Moore, Izzy                W11  Unattached                      30:29       
   67    76  Westerman, Charlotte       W12  Unattached                      30:33       
   68    47  Montes, Carolina           W15  Unattached                      30:44       
   69    26  Gilman, Izzy               W15  Unattached                      30:45       
   70    64  Snow, Kendra               W34  Unattached                      30:50       
   71   105  England, Erica             W33  Unattached                      30:56       
   72    60  Sawyer, Charles            M71  Unattached                      30:57       
   73    61  Sawyer, Paula              W64  Unattached                      31:20       
   74     5  Baillie, Rose              W15  Unattached                      31:26       
   75    51  Paladino, Alexa            W15  Unattached                      31:27       
   76   113  MacLeay, Burke              M9  Unattached                      31:50       
   77   112  MacLeay, Alicia            W38  Unattached                      31:51       
   78   116  Kidwell, Jen               W43  Unattached                      32:04       
   79     3  Anderson, Tracey           W45  Unattached                      32:24       
   80    54  Powers, Kristina           W41  Unattached                      32:28       
   81     6  Beddow, Claire             W15  Unattached                      32:46       
   82    68  Stankard, Lexi             W15  Unattached                      32:46       
   83    25  Gallant, Jessica           W38  Unattached                      32:54       
   84    24  Gallant, Casey             M10  Unattached                      32:54       
   85    87  Weiss, Colby               M12  Unattached                      33:25       
   86    86  Weiss, Jennifer            W47  Unattached                      33:25       
   87    73  Weaver, Erin               W33  Unattached                      33:34       
   88   107  Love, Anna                 W40  Unattached                      34:00       
   89   106  Love, Jacob                 M8  Unattached                      34:01       
   90    91  Boylan, Deirdre            W53  Unattached                      35:04       
   91    22  Dunbar, Laura              W28  Unattached                      36:16       
   92    10  Bulliner, Carolyn          W64  Unattached                      36:27       
   93   109  Love, Nate                 M10  Unattached                      37:23       
   94   108  Love, Jeff                 M39  Unattached                      37:23       
   95    84  Bates, Riley               W11  Unattached                      37:40       
   96    83  Bates, Wendy               W41  Unattached                      37:41       
   97    15  Butler, Kyle                M9  Unattached                      37:55       
   98    72  Vanderweide, Doug          M46  Unattached                      38:12       
   99    69  Thompson, Linda            W39  Unattached                      38:32       
  100    71  Tibbetts, Annette          W46  Unattached                      39:04       
  101    78  Wood, Kristina             W35  Unattached                      39:15       
  102    28  Granese, Signe             W10  Unattached                      40:34       
  103    40  Martin, Natalie            W10  Unattached                      40:34       
  104    53  Perrez, Ana                W10  Unattached                      40:34       
  105    27  Gordon, Cathy              W45  Unattached                      40:41       
  106    58  Roth, Mckenzie             W22  Unattached                      40:42       
  107    65  Solimine, Carolyn          W16  Unattached                      40:49       
  108    56  Roth, James                M58  Unattached                      40:53       
  109     8  Bridger, Beth              W48  Unattached                      41:14       
  110    77  Wing, Kim                  W45  Unattached                      41:17       
  111     1  Adams, Linda               W55  Unattached                      41:18       
  112    55  Rackliff, Jan              W35  Unattached                      42:13       
  113    97  Green, Becca               W10  Unattached                      42:46       
  114    21  Dishner, Ted               M60  Unattached                      42:56       
  115    50  Ormsby, Priscilla          W71  Unattached                      43:10       
  116    17  Chowning, Penny            W65  Unattached                      44:30       
  117   117  Mitchell, Abby             W10  Unattached                      49:34       
  118   118  Bessey, Bette Jane         W68  Unattached                      50:15       
  119    57  Roth, Judy                 W53  Unattached                      50:22       
  120    74  Welch, Fred                M80  Unattached                      54:33       
  121    75  Welch, Pat                 W78  Unattached                      54:33